Overcoming Procrastination

Everyone procrastinates to one degree or another: Why?
Lack of interest…rebellion…fear of being evaluated…uncertainty about the assignment…perfectionism…fear of unknown…not yet ready for the task…don’t know how to begin…false sense of security and optimism (I have plenty of time)…

Simple Procrastination:

Task feels too difficult, or we don’t know where or how to get started
Task feels time consuming and requires large blocks of time (You don’t have that)
Lack of perceived knowledge or skills
Fear of being evaluated by self or others

Complex Procrastination:


By |2016-08-08T12:37:42+00:00August 8, 2016|Academic Coaching|0 Comments

Academic Coaching to learn the most in the least amount of time

What the Best Students Do
Learning is much more than simply memorizing facts and spitting them back out on a multiple choice or short answer exam. In fact, students whose main goal is to simply get through the assignment, miss out on the joy of learning that particular subject, and decrease their passion for learning in general. We start our work with students by examining the areas that they are already “experts” in.

By |2016-01-18T10:45:55+00:00January 18, 2016|Academic Coaching, Newsletters|0 Comments
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