Articles and Blog Posts
What is Your Super-Strength? 4 Strategies that Identify and Apply it to Your Swimming
What is it that makes you a nightmare to compete […]
Goal Setting or Performance Planning? The One Phrase That Impacts a Positive Mindset
At one time or another we have all been encouraged […]
How Competitive Are You?
When I ask this question to individual athletes and teams I frequently observe embarrassed laughter, and hands held halfway up indicating that, yes, indeed, it would be ok with me if my opponent would just kind of give me a break for once since this feels like a lot of pressure! As a former coach, I have certainly had this experience as well. Big meet, intense rivalry…It’s ok with me if these guys are missing one of their best swimmers since I really want us to “win.”
Book Recommendations
Winning the Mind Game
John Edgette
Carol Dweck
Roy Baumeister
Martin Seligman
Jean Twenge
The Art of Mental Training
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
The Evolving Self
Daring Greatly