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Overcoming Procrastination

Everyone procrastinates to one degree or another: Why?
Lack of interest…rebellion…fear of being evaluated…uncertainty about the assignment…perfectionism…fear of unknown…not yet ready for the task…don’t know how to begin…false sense of security and optimism (I have plenty of time)…

Simple Procrastination:

Task feels too difficult, or we don’t know where or how to get started
Task feels time consuming and requires large blocks of time (You don’t have that)
Lack of perceived knowledge or skills
Fear of being evaluated by self or others

Complex Procrastination:


Motivating Boys vs. Girls: Six Ways to Get the Most from Your Swimmers

Most coaches will agree that the way to get the most out of a male swimmer differs from that of a female swimmer. While there are certainly exceptions to gender based motivation, there are cultural and biological differences in boys and girls that do impact the efficacy of strategic motivational interventions. Boys tend to place a higher value on winning, gain more self-confidence by outscoring their opponent, see competition and group play as more hierarchical, and therefore tend to become more sensitive to status.

You Are Not How You Perform

Athletes at all levels experience the pressures of competition. Such pressures may come from parents, coaches, teammates or, most likely, from the athletes own expectations for their performance. While these pressures are quite common they are sure to limit an individual’s level of competitive intensity by taking the focus away from what they already do well, and putting it squarely on the outcome. Where do these self-imposed pressures come from, and what can athletes do to manage them?

It is fair to say that we live in a negativity culture.


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