What is Neuroplasticity?
The mind (energy and information flow in the brain) is created by the brain. Our brains learn mostly by what the mind attends to, and what we attend to necessarily change’s our brain. For example, when we remember a joyful occasion, we are more prone to be playful and creative in the present moment. It follows that how we choose to focus our attention (how we intentionally direct the flow of energy and information) alters our brain chemistry, and literally changes our mind, which then changes our brain!
In Other Words…
As a result of any mental activity, our neurons make connections with one another, creating neural pathways. The longer we attend to a thought or experience, the deeper those connections become, and the more likely we are to re-experience them again (the pathway is bigger, and smoother).
This impacts the following;
- Stress
- Kinesthetic awareness.
- Personality tendencies.
- Our interpretations of what happens to us, or of what is said to us.
- Sense of optimism
How Neuroplasticity Impacts Attitude and Performance
What we have learned from decades of neuroplasticity research is that the more frequently we integrate positive experiences into our mental awareness, the more easily our neurons fire in a positive direction. You might think of the early-stage brain transformation as a fresh ski slope following a big snow. No tracks. The first skier can’t even get going. After several runs, however, the slope becomes smoother, wider, and faster. Following numerous attempts, over several days, travel down the mountain begins to resemble a superhighway.
It works the same way with our thoughts and the neuronal activity in our brain. When we move from a deficit mindset (self-doubt, self-criticism, expecting the worst) to a positive one (super-strengths application, intentional focus, courage, confidence), our new intentions have a profound impact. Over time, we learn to successfully manage our stress level (emotional vs. calm; distractible vs. mindful), physical movement, interpretation of obstacles, and management of our relationships. But, what about performance? Yup. That too!

My Coaching Strategies will support you to Change Your Brain and Improve Performance
- Reinforce and internalize every positive experience, no matter how small.
- Remember, in detail, the best races or practices you have ever had. Frequently.
- Intentionally call up your strengths & focus on how good it is to feel strong & confident.
- Engage powerful, relaxed, at-one-with-the-moment muscle memory. Immediately.
- Set goals (intentions) and be sure all levels of your nervous system (thoughts, emotions, intentions, arousal) are in sync. Then, act as if you have already achieved your goal.
- Connect your nervous system to your environment.
When done consistently, over time, you will literally change your brain. As a result, you will begin to feel more alive and centered, resulting in a greater sense fun, happiness, creativity, awareness…and performance!